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LeadHERship Summit

Thursday, October 3, 2024
9:30 AM - 3:30 PM (CDT)
Event Sold Out
Bringing women together to ignite inspiration, foster connections, and cultivate growth in their careers. This conference offers a dynamic platform for networking, sharing insights, and learning from industry leaders. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, or an emerging leader, our conference provides invaluable opportunities to connect, collaborate, and empower each other.

Event Goals

Empowering Women Leaders: Provide women in the insurance sector with the tools, resources, and networks necessary to excel in leadership roles.

Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration: Facilitate meaningful exchanges of ideas, best practices, and insights among industry professionals to drive innovation and excellence in insurance.

Networking and Relationship Building: Create opportunities for women leaders to connect, build relationships, and form alliances that support career growth, professional development, and collaboration.

Addressing Challenges and Barriers: Identify and address the unique challenges and barriers faced by women in insurance, such as gender bias, work-life balance, and career advancement, through candid discussions and practical strategies.

Inspiring the Next Generation: Inspire and empower the next generation of women leaders in insurance by showcasing successful role models, sharing success stories, and providing guidance on career pathways.

Credits Price
Member Registration
Non-Member Registration


October 3
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Registration
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM Opening Comments
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM “Taking Up Space in the World” – Tina VanSteenbergen
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM LeadHERship Panel Moderator: Sara Bradshaw Ray, Big I Oklahoma

Panelists: Indred Alexander; Indred Alexander Ins. Agency; Genevieve Frazier, Maguire Agency; Rachel Friday, Nationwide; Lisa Hengel, Willow Wood Insurance
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM Networking Lunch
1:30 PM - 3:15 PM “Look Out! It’s a Trap! The Truth About the Pitfalls and Promise of Female Leadership” –Sara Bradshaw Ray
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM Closing

Sara Bradshaw, CIC, CKC
Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, Big I Oklahoma

“Look Out! It’s a Trap! The Truth about the Pitfalls and Promise of female leadership”

Even the most well-intentioned, hard-working women out there can still fall prey to the hidden pitfalls that threaten their professional growth, opportunity, and impact as a leader. Equally as dangerous are those traps that are “hiding in plain sight,” but what’s a girl to do? This session is an enlightening and interactive adventure exploring some of our most chronic career-threatening traps and the truth within each. Female leaders, armed with awareness, have great potential to turn these (and other) traps into the promise of progress and impact that they are uniquely capable of making as women.

Tina VanSteenbergen
Owner, StoryMatters

“Taking Up Space in the World”

In a world that tells us to shrink ourselves, we need to start taking up more space. We need to regain power of the word “sorry” and stop apologizing for our existence. “Sorry” has become a word we say anytime we feel as though we may have caused an inconvenience, we feel guilty or ashamed, we’re nervous, stressed, happy, sad, introverted, extroverted, asking a question, offering an opinion… We’re apologizing for almost everything that we feel or share. We’re apologizing for our existence. We need to start acknowledging how meaningful and powerful we are and take up more space in this world, because our opinions, identities, and womanhood are worthy of more than apology.

For More Information:

Michelle Herr
Michelle Herr
Chief Operations Officer Big I Minnesota (763)235-6475
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