Legislative Advisory Group
Legislative Advisory Group works alongside our dedicated Lobbyist, Robyn Rowen to monitor, advise, and create recommended legislation within the state of Minnesota. This group also works on the relationships between state entities and the Big I MN including but not limited to the MN Department of Commerce and the Insurance Federation of MN.
Legislative Advisory Group
CIC, CISR President Butler & Associates Ins. Agency, Inc (952)208-7220Member
CIC, CISR Personal Lines CSR/Sales Dyste Williams Agency (952)843-4424Member
JD Legislative/Regulatory Counsel & Lobbyist Big I Minnesota (763)235-6460Member
CIC, CISR Bremer Insurance Agencies, Inc. - Willmar (320)231-8150Member
CIC, CPCU, ACI, CCI, CPIA Director, Captive Practice Kraus-Anderson Insurance (952)707-8200Member